Monday, 23 May 2022
Imperial Fists Praetor
With the pending release of HH2.0 there is a bit of a stir the 'A Galaxy in Flames' camp. For me its a review and revamp of my HQ at...
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Templar Bretheren
These guys have been through a few incarnations but here is my finally finished Templar squad. I started out using the full templar upgr...
Saturday, 30 March 2019
Marauder Blackshields Pt I
Honour and pride. Honour and pride had filled Artuas' heart the day he had been selected from the mass of noviates stationed in the tra...
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Raven Guard Volkite Support Squad
Another Squad finished, this time a Volkite support squad. I'm really pleased with the brass used on the weapons. To my eye i...
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Raven Guard Plasma Support Squad
I am building a small centurion style Raven Guard force and these guys are the first squad completed. Different painting style, d...
Imperial Fists Librarian
I have always loved the psyker aspect of GW games. The other worldly space wizard aspect is amazing for creating wonder and horror in a grim...
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Rekindling the Flame
its been a while. A long while for all of us here at AGIF. Life has a way of keeping things moving and changing and it's taken me awa...
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