Sunday, 11 May 2014
Raven Guard Commanders
G'day all, Macca here with a "by request" post.
I recently showed the full Legion assembled together and was asked if I could show the individual commanders. So, as I aim to please (everyone except Keepy, the jerk), here they are:
Alvarex Maun, you can find out how I did this guy here.
Terran-born Commander, with a home-made shield. I built it as I didn't like the existing ones and wanted something more slab sided and breacher siege shield like.It's also worth noting he was the first true model painted for the army, so a lot more technique was developed just from working on him. Side note, the shield is magnetised at the wrist joint, I can put any ranged weapon or CC weapon I like on that left hand.
Strike Captain Aggapito,one of the Dropsite Survivors, I use him as a Praetor for most games.
A Praetor OR Consul, with twin Ravens Talons. The claws are converted from 40k Warp Talon ones, as when I built him, the 'finger nails' type claws weren't for sale.
Legion Champion, possibly the famous Sharrowkyn.... we'll never know....
Legion Chaplain, an early attempt at a chaplain, this guy isn't used post-Istvaan, because all of the chaplains were killed...
Legion Librarian, Pre-Nikea, or a while into the Heresy, I have him in the list, but I am not likely to use him very often. At first, he was THE go-to guy, but since Alvarex Maun has been so insanely good, I think I'd like to add either a Master of Signals or a Deep-Strike capable Praetor/Consul to give some more edge to the list. Side note, his pack is magnetic and I can give him a jump pack instead.
So there they are, I have a Master of Signals, Vigilator and a very special Moriat on the way, as well as some more RG infantry, so I guess my next post will feature the infantry, at a guess.
Hope to see you all next time, Macca
I sure have a lot to pick from, and I am only adding more! I love the Terran too, when I have the coin, I will be making a full squad of Deliverer terminators to go with him. I am also going to get Tyberus the Red Wake, as he would make a cool Praetor in his own right, and it isn't such a stretch. For all we know, he is the former Legion Master sent away on a shadow crusade by Corax...